Lefa CBD Cream

Among the many CBD products that have come on the market, one of the more interesting formulations new to the golf market is utilizing a new blend of additives to help with those aches and pains after a round.

Lefa™ Joint & Muscle Support Cream is formulated with 3,000mg of full spectrum hemp extract, plus menthol and beta-caryophyllene (BCP). When you apply it to your skin, BCP activates the receptors in your body that allow CBD to work, helping to regulate and ensure your inflammatory system is working properly. The beta-caryophyllene ingredient is what makes this cream completely unique.

According to the company, this blend in unique and works together synergistically and provides better support than a single compound like CBD can alone! That is called the Entourage effect. The entourage of phytocannabinoids in full spectrum hemp oil provides maximum support to the Endocannabinoid System, which helps regulate systems in your body that have a significant impact on managing pain sensation and inflammation. This hemp oil contains over 90 phytocannabinoids, and the terpenes that are produced naturally in the hemp plant work together synergistically in this formula to give added relief.

Lefa has been specially formulated for deep penetration into the muscle areas to get targeted relief. It has a pleasing aromatic aroma, is non-greasy and works rather quickly.

For more information on Lefa: visit the company website at: www.lefalabs.com